Symposium 2022 (Online)

The 2022 OENOVITI International Symposium and General Assembly were scheduled to take place in Japan in May 2022.

After analyzing the evolution of the sanitary situation, the current context, and in agreement with our Japanese partners, University of Yamanashi, Kyoto University and Niigata University, we made the decision to organize the OENOVITI events online again in 2022.

The Symposium "Resilience in the grape and wine industry" took place on Monday 30th May and Tuesday 31st May 2022. The General Assembly and Work Group Meetings were also organized online on Wednesday 1st of June.




Watch the OENOVITI International online events :


OENOVITI International Symposium 2022

Theme: "“Resilience in the grape and wine industry"

The Symposium was divided into 4 sessions spread over 2 days