Mini Symposium / Sprint Meeting 3 - 2022

The start of 2022 brings a new series of online events from the OENOVITI International Network: The Mini Symposium and Sprint Meeting 3!

The goal of the Mini Symposia is to discuss a specific topic for 2 hours with talks from researchers and experts. The Sprint Meetings are meant to respond to the specific issues and needs of our industrial partners and companies, with discussions for one hour by specialists. The third Mini Symposium and Sprint Meeting of the OENOVITI International Network will take place online over two days, on 8th and 9th February 2022.

Mini Symposium – “Sustainable Viticulture Practices”

MiniSympFeb22 min

Audience : Open the the general public

Tuesday 8th February 2022 - 12:00 – 14:00 (Paris Time) 


Sprint Meeting – “Developing co-product side-streams for high value consumer goods”

SprintMeetingFeb22 min

Audience : Open the the general public

Wednesday 9th February 2022 - 12:00 – 13:00 (Paris Time)