
Every year, the Network gathers around two main events: The OENOVITI International Symposium and the General Assembly.

The Symposium focuses on a different thematic every year.

This event is open to all OENOVITI Partners and members of the general public interested in the thematic. It is a chance for speakers to present their research on the theme, and for academics and members of the private sector to come together to discuss related topics and issues.

The annual Symposium is usually followed by the OENOVITI Network General Assembly, where the different work groups gather to discuss their activities, and the general administration of the network and projects are addressed.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Network has also decided to increase its online presence with the launch of a new format of events in 2021: the Mini-Symposia and Sprint Meetings.


The 7th Symposium of the OENOVITI International Network took place on 25th April 2018 in Mendoza, Argentina. It was the first Symposium of the network being organised outside of Europe.

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May 16th 2017 – “New resistant grape varieties and alternatives to pesticides in viticulture for wine quality production” hosted by Haute Ecole de Viticulture et Oenologie, in Changins, Switzerland


May 10th, 2016 – “Processes, Oenological practices, Packaging – Wine quality evolution and future, consumers perception” hosted by ISVV (University of Bordeaux), in Bordeaux, France

October 26th, 2015 – “Non-conventional microorganisms in winemaking” hosted by the CIRVE (Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca in Viticoltura ed Enologia) in Conegliano, Italy

May 20th, 2015 – “CAVA Congress” hosted by Confraria del Cava, in Subirats, Spain

More than 80 participants have attended this event, where 9 experts in the field of Cava and Champagne, have outlined technical approaches, foam quality and second fermentation for sparkling wines; impact of climate changes, quality sensory evaluation, yeast selection on sparkling production, and gushing control…
After the speech of the specialists, a panel discussion with the participation of oenologists from Cava Appellation was lead to share issue and solutions met in this context. 

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